Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Srsly, I agree wif tis 'Exam over=YEAHH!, Results=Oh Shit!'

Yoyo peepss! (: Bckk too updatee my blogg! :) Srry didnt updatee my blog fr like 1 week! :x Busyy! Soo dint updatee. I'mma gonna updatee bout last week! (:
Last Tuesdayy woke upp earlyy then prepare to go out. Go fetch Auntie Cindy then go to Marine Parade Parade. Order food, use phone to tweet & plurkk. Auntie Karen camee, she soo funny, make us laugh hahahhaa :D Aftr tat we go to de Finest FairPrice thr buy BBQ de stuff. Buy hao le jiu go to Auntie Karen's fren hse. Saw Anastasia long timee no seee since lastt year! Hehehe, sadd Ashley couldn't come :( Nvm hopee nxt timee she'll cme. ^^ Chat wif Anastasia & her bro. Aftr tat go swim, swim quite longg. Played thr ahaha funnn! :) Then bathed> Eat. Daniel soo cuteeeeeeeeeeee, he's soo chubby. Soo clever he ehehhe :D Ask him let me take a pic of him, he dun let ahaha :DD Hopee can playy wif him againn (; Use his I-pad thought cann go fb, but cant then play de games. Played word challenge, find de words in de puzzle. I played wif my mum, anastasia. Soo funnn!! <--- Hehehe, went bck hme aftr tat. Reach hme, auntie cindy forgot bout her laptop. My mum de nxt dayy pass to her. Reach hmee, no timee use lappyy. Sleep, prepare fr sch x.x .

Last Wdnesday-Fridayy normal lessons. Chk results, paper. Haizzz... Fr MYE, I pass Eng paper, Maths paperr, Chinese paperr, Bio paperr, F&N paperr, SS paperr. Sadd larhh I fail Chemistry & History paperr zzzz!! Haizz...I'mm gonnaa JIAYOUU FOR EOY!! (Y) :)
Last Friday, 1st lesson's F&N, go com lab do courseworkk. Aftr tat's PE, continue our NAPFA Test, do sit & reacch, standing broad-jump, sit-ups. Do til my stomach muscle pain le! :x Aftr tat receess! YAHOOOOOO!! 1st timee in CDSS 1 & a half hour recesss! YAYY!! (Y) But is siann one lorr soo long de recess. x.x Bought de ice-creamm quite nicee. Helped Xin Hui wif her booth. Soo hott de weatherr! I ask Ms Wee tis weather'll until hw long? She said til July. WTHH, soo longg + veryy hott!! Hopee I wont fall sick againn uh! Aftr tat go see ppl perform. Thenn go to hall fr de wat sexuality talk. =.=" Hahahhaa :D Soo noisyy lohh de 3C class. Tsk tskk. They needd go to parade squaree then cme up againn. De speaker talk bout 'SEX' Everyonee soo sensitivee ahahhaa includinggg mee :DD Aftr tat jiu go bck hme. Usee lappyy. Log in to my fb acc, plurkk, twiitter, formspring & blog! C: Chat > Tweet & plurkk. Watch tv, msged JingWen`Jiee, hahaha she's soo funnyy! Love herr manz~! ♥♥ Hehee :D Watch Golden Ferris Wheel, soo exciting manz! Sadd la mondayy cant watch too lateeeeee! Must w8 until holidays cme then cann watch :xx Sleeppp.

Lastt Sat go my grandma's hsee, yayyyy! Playy WII, first timee my sis unlock de fish tat gameee, Superr Mario de! Quitee tough to unlockk, wonder hw she unlock de. *thinkingg* Ahahhaa :D Eat dinner> Continue playy WII> Aftr tat eat ice-cream> Watch channel newasia bout de PM Lee talking. Aftr tat watch channel U, superrrrrrrrr funnnyyyyy de show!! HAHAHAH :D De dolphinsss soo cuteeeeeeee! :) Then go bck liaoo. My mum drop me @ petrol kiosk thr ask me buy bread. Went bck hme, watch tv. Then sleep.

Yterrdayy went to IMM, go kopitiam eat Mee Hoon Kuehh, long timee no eat le. Nxt buy things @ Giant. Bought mentoes, drinks, sushiii! Siann maxx!! x.x Nth to do oneee. Watch tvv, eat dinner> Read newspaperr, siann x.x Aftr tat @ nitee use lappyy, tweet, plurkk, go fb. Thenn switched off lappyy go sleep.

Tdayy 1st period's chk our overall marks. WTH, overall I only Humanities fail ! WTFF! Haishh... Gonna really reallly buck up on History! Then nxt's de Ms Selvan cme our class, talk bout wat... Project thingyy. Siann sia listen she talk -.- Lie dwn rest on table also cannot WTHH! Do de projectt zzzz...!! I group wif Kimberly, Hadi, CheeYu, Arvin. Aftr tat jiuu RECESS> Aftr tat go to hall fr Students Investituree. Alexandra becme de President of SC! Grats to herr! (: Jackie`Meii became a SC le, grats ya meii! ♥ yaa! (: Go bck hme earlyy! YESS! Hahaha :D Take bus, top up prepaid. Tweet & plurkk. Cme bck usee lappyy. Go fb, plurkk, twitter, formspring & blogg! Chat wif Aikiyo`Wawaa Iloveyouuwawaaa! ♥♥♥ Spam her wall soo funn! :D Eat dinnerr> Watch tv. Listen musicc ♪~♪. Tml gt workshop, then road safety talk siannn!! -.- Kekeke, tats all fr nw, byee byee! :DD Havee a nicee restt peeps! :)

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